Create Bootable USB Flash Drive and Install Windows 10 or Windows Server 2019
by admin on Apr.22, 2009, under WINDOWS
Prerequisites/Recommendations for the USB flash drive:
- A fast one 🙂
- Only 1 partition on the flash drive, if there are multiple partitions this guide might not work for u.
Start a command promt (CMD.EXE) and type the commands below in the following order (OBS: Your USB memory stick will be formated, if you have data on it that you want to keep than you should take a backup copy of it somewhere else)
- diskpart
- list disk
- “Check the size of the USB disk from the list, to determin your USB disk number, in my case it is Disk 1, so I am going to select that one in the next step (Be very carefull by selecting right disk so that you dont destroy one of your existing hard drives)
- select disk 1
- clean
- create partition primary
- select partition 1
- active
- format fs=ntfs quick
- assign
- exit
Open the Windows ISO file In the File Explorer and Copy Windows ISO content to the Flash Drive
Simply issue the following command to start copying all the content from the Windows ISO to the USB flash drive.
The command below assuems that your Windows ISO is on the G: Drive, and your USB on the E: Drive
- xcopy G:\*.* /s/e/f e:\
Now u have a bootable USB Flash drive that you can use to install PCs with Windows OS, Boot up ur PC and choose Boot alternative to Boot your PC on the USB and install Windows manually.
The installation can be automated by using the Windows Automated Installation Kit.