Harun's Microsoft Blog

How to make the “Routing Group Connector” redundant between the Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007

by on Apr.30, 2009, under EXCHANGE 2007

After the first Exchange 2007 Hub Transport server is installed in an Exchange 2003 organization, a routing group connector is created by the Exchange 2007 setup, this routing group connector is not redundant, if you have multiple Hub transport servers in the Exchange 2007 Administrative Group and multiple Bridge head servers in the Exchange 2003 Administrative group, you can simply make the connector between these Administrative groupsredundant by using the following PowerShell Script.

First get information about all the Routing groups in your organization by using the following command

[PS] C:\>Get-RoutingGroupConnector

This will give u a list of existing Routing Group Connectors and their Identity, see the following

ExchSRV2k7 TO ExchSRV2K3

ExchSRV2k3 TO ExchSRV2K7

In my lab environment i have one connector that is from the Exchange 2003 administrative Group to the Exchange 2007 Administrative Group and it is called ExchSRV2k3 TO ExchSRV2K7

the other connector is from the Exchange 2007 to the Exchange 2003 and called ExchSRV2k7 TO ExchSRV2K3, these 2 connectors should be manupulated seperately,

you can get detailed information about the connectors by using the following PS command;

[PS] C:\>Get-RoutingGroupConnector -Identity “ExchSRV2K3 TO ExchSRV2K7” | fl

This will give you all the details about the connector called “ExchSRV2K3 TO ExchSRV2K7″, see the details below:

TargetRoutingGroup           : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
Cost                         : 20
TargetTransportServers       : {ExchSRV2K7-A}
ExchangeLegacyDN             : /O=Contoso/OU=Istanbul/cn=Configuration/cn=Conn
                               ections/cn=ExchSRV2K3 TO ExchSRV2K7
PublicFolderReferralsEnabled : True
SourceRoutingGroup           : Istanbul
SourceTransportServers       : {ExchSRV2K3-A}
HomeMTA                      : Microsoft MTA
HomeMtaServerId              : ExchSRV2K3-A
MaxMessageSize               : unlimited
AdminDisplayName             :
ExchangeVersion              : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                         : ExchSRV2K3 TO ExchSRV2K7
DistinguishedName            : CN=ExchSRV2K3 TO ExchSRV2K7,CN=Connections,CN=Istanbul,
                               CN=Routing Groups,CN=Istanbul,CN=Administrative
                                Groups,CN=Contoso,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Serv
Identity                     : ExchSRV2K3-A TO ExchSRV2K7-A
Guid                         : 71631b3d-f781-4cdc-9ff0-b209be49d873
ObjectCategory               : Contoso.org/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Routing
ObjectClass                  : {top, msExchConnector, msExchRoutingGroupConnect
WhenChanged                  : 2009-04-30 16:51:52
WhenCreated                  : 2009-02-28 15:18:53
OriginatingServer            : Contosodc7.Contoso.org
IsValid                      : True



As you can see from the details  TargetTransportServers       : {ExchSRV2K7-A}” and “SourceTransportServers       : {ExchSRV2K3-A}” are the only servers used for message routing between the administrative groups, I have 2 additional servers that I would like to add to this connector to make it redundant, ExchSRV2K7-B and ExchSRV2K3-B, so I use the following PS command to add those servers in to the routing group;

[PS] C:\>set-RoutingGroupConnector -Identity “ExchSRV2k3 TO ExchSRV2K7” -SourceTransport
Servers “ExchSRV2K3-A”,”ExchSRV2K3-B” -TargetTransportServers “ExchSRV2K7-A”,”ExchSRV2K7-B

So when I use the following PS command to see the details again, I can see the new servers are added to the RGC:

[PS] C:\>Get-RoutingGroupConnector -Identity “ExchSRV2K3 TO ExchSRV2K7” | fl
TargetRoutingGroup           : Exchange Routing Group (DWBGZMFD01QNBJR)
Cost                         : 20
TargetTransportServers       : {ExchSRV2K7-B, ExchSRV2K7-A}
ExchangeLegacyDN             : /O=Contoso/OU=Istanbul/cn=Configuration/cn=Conn
PublicFolderReferralsEnabled : True
SourceRoutingGroup           : Istanbul
SourceTransportServers       : {ExchSRV2K3-B, ExchSRV2K3-A}
HomeMTA                      : Microsoft MTA
HomeMtaServerId              : ExchSRV2K3-A
MaxMessageSize               : unlimited
AdminDisplayName             :
ExchangeVersion              : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name                         : ExchSRV2K3-A-ExchSRV2K7-A
DistinguishedName            : CN=ExchSRV2K3-A-ExchSRV2K7-A,CN=Connections,CN=Istanbul,
                               CN=Routing Groups,CN=Istanbul,CN=Administrative
                                Groups,CN=Contoso,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Serv
Identity                     : ExchSRV2K3 TO ExchSRV2K7
Guid                         : 71631b3d-f781-4cdc-9ff0-b209be49d873
ObjectCategory               : Contoso.org/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Routing
ObjectClass                  : {top, msExchConnector, msExchRoutingGroupConnect
WhenChanged                  : 2009-04-30 16:51:52
WhenCreated                  : 2009-02-28 15:18:53
OriginatingServer            : Contosodc7.Contoso.org
IsValid                      : True

 So i do the same thing for the connector from the other direction, From Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2003

[PS] C:\>set-RoutingGroupConnector -Identity “ExchSRV2k7 TO ExchSRV2K3” -SourceTransport
ServersExchSRV2K7-A”,”ExchSRV2K7-B” -TargetTransportServersExchSRV2K3-A”,”ExchSRV2K3-B”


That is it folks! and you don’t have to worry about getting NDRs after you run this command because all the necessary permissions and other settings that should be configured to make the RGC work is all taken care of by the PS command (If you have the right permmissions of cource, Exchange full Admin and Enterprise admin)

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