Harun's Microsoft Blog

Get rid of 3rd party SFTP and FTPS products, It is possible to run FTPS on IIS 7.0 now :)

by on Jan.31, 2009, under IIS

After all those years since IIS was released it was not possible to run  encryptet traffic between the Ftp clients and the IIS (Out of the Box without 3rd party solutions) , beleive or not BUT  it is possible now, and you can reduce costs by not using those expensive Secure FTP server softwares on your Windows Servers.
32-bit Installation Package:

FTP 7.5 for IIS 7.0 (x86)

64-bit Installation Package:

FTP 7.5 for IIS 7.0 (x64)

Installing and Troubleshooting FTP7.5     






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